Great independent beer needs your support to survive!
There are hundreds of small independent suppliers of great beer and they are currently facing a challenge like no other. With bars, pubs and independent retailers currently closed, many of these hardworking providers of good beer have set up take-out and delivery services so you can still enjoy them!
This website has been set up to help you find these services and ensure that these small
businesses can continue to sell to those that love a well-crafted beer. Please use this
website to find these services and make sure that the amazing beers you love survive
many years into the future. All money will go to the businesses you find as this is a
free service set up to support them in this difficult time.
Make sure we know how to get your beer! If you are a small independent business that wants to continue providing the best beers to those that love them, please list your take-out or delivery service here. Breweries, Bottleshops and independent bars and pubs are all welcome. The service is completely free to use as the website is being funded by many industry supporters.
This website is intended for the businesses that are most at risk. We ask that large
businesses and those that are supported by large chains or investors do not use this
service and allow the space for those that most need it.
Good brewing!
With many of us now working from home, socially distancing or self-isolating, Simply Hops is also encouraging people across the UK and Europe to join a virtual social hangout to support the thousands of local breweries in this great country. Every social group has that key person who is great at organising that end of the day beer. We’re encouraging those doing the right thing by staying at home to still have that ‘Five o’clock club’ and have a drink!.
It will be a place to have a chat with other beer lovers, friends or work colleagues instead of going to pubs and bars. Get in touch with your local brewery, pub, taproom or bottle shop to see how you can be a part of this movement.
Remember to share the love of your beers on social media using the hashtag #BeerIsHere and #5oClockClub."